Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Life in NorCal

Hello All! Well, we made it and we've been working really was our first day off and we worked all day ;-)

I was going to wait to post until I had a couple of pictures, but haven't had time to get any shots. Will put that on the to do list. We are still waiting for the washer/dryer to be delivered and trying to get settled into the apartment. It's slow going, but we'll get it done eventually. I promise, Mom and Dad, that you will enjoy your upcoming visit and not have to help us with a list of projects. Except that Bob needs help with a couple of electrical things, Dad....

So we took over the shop on Friday and the former owners invited all the locals for a farewell/welcome event. I think there were about 85 people in the shop and it was so nice to meet everyone. A couple of the local ladies invited me to play 9-holes with them on Saturday morning. The local course is a links style course, so I lost a ton of balls. But it was fun and I'm looking forward to going out again - maybe even with Bob!

Today, we got up early and went into town for our weekly grocery/bank/errand run. Now we won't have to get in the car again till next Wednesday. Well, that's not true, we do run to the post office everyday because there is no mail delivery here. There's also not any cell we'll be getting a land line in the apartment soon.

We haven't had a chance to really get around the town yet. On Friday, the new owners of a local restaurant came in to introduce themselves and welcome us to the neighborhood. Andrew and Liya are Culinary Institute of America Hyde Park grads. And Andrew also happens to be a Georgia Tech grad!!! So we went down and had dinner at their place - Terrapin Creek - and it is delicous!! Now, I'm not sure how a Computer Science grad from GT ends up going to the CIA and opening a place named after the University of Maryland mascot, but I'm sure glad about it!

Stay tuned for photos of the shop and some great scenery! It's beautiful here and there are some amazing vistas....